Tuesday, May 21, 2019

To My First College Friend

Dear friend,
You were my very first friend in college. We met through our class Facebook page the summer before freshman year. We exchanged numbers in order to avoid any loneliness in the cafeteria when we got to campus. I bet you don't remember any of that.
When we started becoming close friends that summer before school, I made it known to you that I was kind of scared after a rough experience with a previous guy friend. You promised me you wouldn't do what he did to me. I can tell you don't remember that.

Had you remembered that promise, I wouldn't be writing this.

The first day of orientation, you greeted me with a big hug. You were always there. You were always good about offering hugs and prayers when I needed it.
Junior year, a lot of crazy stuff happened in my personal life. When I finally opened up and told you what was going on, you asked if I was ok. I appreciated that more than you know. You were the first one to ask.
Sometime during senior year, I stopped existing to you. Texts went unanswered. We barely spoke in person. You deleted me from all of your social media. No explanation. No goodbye. Exactly what you said you wouldn't do.
Was it your girlfriend? Did you think I wanted more than a friendship with you? That seems to be a common problem with my guy friends. If that was the case, why didn't you talk to me about it?
A few weeks ago, you got married. Congratulations! I wish I could've been there, just like I wish you'd be there whenever that happens for me.
I do wish you and your new wife all the best. I am genuinely happy for you guys and think you make a great couple.
I just miss you.
Your former friend.

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