Sunday, May 21, 2017

Letting Children Decide Gender?

Recently, a friend of mine shared a video (you can see said video by clicking here). This video suggested that expectant parents should not have gender reveal parties, or otherwise announce the gender of the baby, because they need to let the child decide what gender they are. The comments, and many comments on the original post said things I agree with. Pretty much everyone pointed out how ridiculous such a suggestion was.
The video says that "sonogram technicians can make their best guess, but it's ultimately up to your child." It also suggests you should wait until the child is 35, and let them decide their gender. No. I know a lot of people argue about the difference between gender and sex, but a lot of dictionaries list the two as synonymous, but do acknowledge that gender is more specific to the social aspect. Your chromosomes determine your gender, not what you "feel like."
If you're supposed to wait until they're 35 to determine their gender, should you wait til they're 35 to give them a name? Or not feed them until you know their preferences?

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