Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Pepsi Protest Commercial

Real talk. This whole Pepsi commercial controversy is kind of ridiculous.
Why are we so offended by literally everything? I get that maybe having the most privileged white girl in America play the role of the hero/peacemaker was not the best move. I also understand that it appeared that Pepsi was trying to make money off of what you perceive as a hurt and a real struggle. However, I honestly do not think they were intending to hurt anyone or belittle anyone's problems. They were just trying to use a current event to make their ad more relateable and more powerful. I don't think any of them realized people would take it so personally.
I'd also just like to point out that the protest portrayed in the commercial was way more peaceful than some of the protests I've seen over the past year or so. It simply showed a bunch of people coming together for a cause, not looting and rioting like what has happened in a lot of cities, including one close to where I live.
Please don't blame Kendall Jenner for this nonsense either. She didn't write the commercial and probably didn't realize how offensive people would find it. Pepsi probably offered her a bunch of money and she took the job. Simple as that.
There are way more important things to worry about than soda commercials and Kardashians.

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