Sunday, March 29, 2020

Let People Feel Things!

Alright y'all, I've had something on my mind for a few days and I've got to get it out. This may get a bit rant-y, so bear with me.
Due to this virus, life has basically come to a halt for most people. School has been cancelled, for the rest of the year in some places, which means field trips, proms, and graduations have also been cancelled. A lot of other things have been cancelled that people are upset about (concerts, recitals, festivals, etc.), and people have very right to be upset about those too, myself included, but my main focus here is going to be on school.
A lot of kids are in their last year of whatever level of school they are in. A lot of things happen in those last years, trips, dances, graduations, etc., and these kids won't get to experience those events. They have been looking forward to these moments all year, maybe more for some of them. They've worked hard to get where they are now. They deserve to celebrate these milestones. Now that all of that has been cancelled, these kids are heartbroken and they have every right to be. I know I would be.
What is really getting me is the older people on Facebook saying how kids today shouldn't be as upset as they are about their events and milestones being cancelled because at least they're only being asked to stay home on the couch and not being drafted and sent off to a war they may not come back from. I even saw a comment from one woman stating that we need to bring the draft back because "a lot of young people are lazy and on drugs." What? 
I'm really sick of these "I suffered, so you have to suffer" and "don't complain because some else has/had it worse" mentalities. That's like saying don't be happy or excited about things because someone else has it better than you. Just stop. Let people feel their feelings about things. Let the kids grieve the loss of their school year. Have some compassion and be supportive.
This is a hard time for pretty much everyone. The least we can do is be kind to each other and stop being to condescending. 

Monday, March 16, 2020

A Prayer in Uncertain Times

I don't need to tell you what is currently going on in the world. It's on every channel and every website. A lot of people are very worried and scared. I think what a lot of us could use right now is a prayer.
Tonight I'm praying:
For those most vulnerable to the virus
For everyone who is sick
For their doctors, nurses, and other caretakers
For the doctors and scientists working around the clock to sort this whole mess out
For the students and teachers navigating online learning for the first time
For the students whose safe place is at school who are now stuck at home
For the students who rely on free/reduced breakfast and lunch from school who are facing food insecurity
For the retail employees facing the masses of panic shoppers
For everyone to maintain their faith, patience, and sanity in all of this uncertainty
Last, but not least, I pray that this all blows over soon and we can get back to normal life and routines